Blogging hasn’t been easy

Its almost 2 years now I started up the blog and I found it has not been that easy. Amidst the daily rush a routine works I am hardly able to spend good time with this blog, which I started with great hopes of writing frequently. I planned to write at least once in a week on new topics that I would learn, but I failed to do. I found it very difficult to think on a new topic every time and months n months passed by without writing a single post.

In 2009 I got engaged and I got married. We waited for 7 months after our engagement before we got married in December. During this period, whatever spare time I got after my office hours (9 to 10 hours) I used to talk with my fiancee, or in holidays I visited her place (she stayed in different town far from mine) or any other function related to our marriage or anything like that. During this period I hardly got any time to write on this blog or could hardly think of anything else than marriage 🙂

Secondly, 2009 had been really dumb year for my professional life. There had not been many exciting or challenging projects to work on, except few new things l learned. But I felt they had not been enough to inspire me to write some cool blog post.

Evaluating the above two points, I feel the two main reasons for drought of posts on my blog is lack of time and lack of inspiration. I am a no good writer and need both time and inspiration in lots of amount. Hope I would manage to find them more this year.

Hello World

Hi ! Welcome to my blog on web development aspects, language, techniques and everything else that I have implemented on my own projects, researched and like to share with you. You will find here quick short tutorials, techniques that may help you learn, know for your own development and enhancement. Feel free to comment, correct and enhance. Happy reading and Happy learning.